A (school) year in review

I don’t think that whirlwind even begins to describe this year. I moved to New Orleans less than a year ago and yet it feels like I’ve been here for years. While I still get a little lost around town (I continuously get Claiborne and Carrollton confused), and the summers are insufferable, I can honestly say that I LOVE NEW ORLEANS. This year has taught me that under pressure I can not only perform, but excel. A skill that will serve me well in the current rocky job market. I also learned that b-school is a lot like a full time job. You have to work hard (maybe even harder then your current job), network, and really put into the program what you want to get out of it. Tulane was something completely different for me, a different location, a different type of school, but I went in with an open mind and am now benefiting from 8 months of no sleep, tons of quant work, and lots of team projects. Was b-school what I expected? Yes and no. I knew it was going to be difficult, but I definitely didn’t think it would be this much fun. Now I’m off to NYC to intern in Ralph Lauren Fragrances at L’Oreal. Who says that there aren’t any internship this summer? I have classmates interning at Johnson & Johnson, The New York Stock Exchange, and Continental Airlines just to name a few. Our job this summer is to go to our respective companies and be the most amazing interns that they’ve ever encountered, so that they want to come back to Tulane and hire more students in the future. I mean working for one of the biggest cosmetics companies in the world, on one of the most famous fashion brands of our time, in one of the most fabulous cities in the world is going to be a challenge….. but somebody has to do it! 
