A Freeman Consulting Group Experience


The Freeman Consulting Group (FCG) provides business consulting to local organizations on a non-fee basis. FCG exists through the support of the Tulane Association of Business Alumni and the Levy-Rosenblum Institute for Entrepreneurship.

FCG benefits from a richly diverse group of students from Tulane University’s Freeman School of Business and Law School.  Group members have either lived or studied in over thirty countries and many speak more than two languages fluently.

Most graduate members have worked full-time, or as summer associates, in the consulting industry and these members actively lead all of our projects. Our undergraduate members come from diverse backgrounds and offer fresh perspectives while learning about the structure of the consulting industry first-hand. All of our teams possess the consulting industry know-how and the ability to handle today’s business problems.

My experience with the Freeman Consulting Group has been great! As a member of the club, it was convenient to have the option to choose from a diverse group of clients. This presented me with the opportunity to learn more about consulting by working with a client that I was ultimately interested in.

Interacting with the client on a number of occasions proved to be informative. The client was glad to offer unrestricted constructive insight at every corner. Additionally, it was helpful to have an assigned FCG officer we could refer to for more assistance.

Overall, I think FCG will give attending members as much as they give in. The opportunity is definitely worth the extra invested time especially if you are leaning towards a prosperous consulting career either domestically or internationally.

Ahmed Al-Massry