Series: “2nd Year MBAs Talk about Their Summer Internships”
“Working at Nestle Purina”
Interviewee: Rob Wilson Anger
Concentration/Other: Marketing; GBC Vice President of Administration
Year: MBA 2
Internship Questions:
Industry/Company/ Area of Internship/Location: Nestle Purina, St Louis, MO
Consumer Packaged Goods, Product Management
What can you tell readers about the scope of your internship this summer?
“I was given a project that looked into consumer promotions for the wet dog food portfolio. Within that, my project had 3 distinct components: Analytical, Strategic, and Creative. I spent 6 weeks performing a competitive audit on consumer promotions (for our brands and competitors’). After presenting my findings, I spent the following 6 weeks developing a promotional calendar for 2014 and bringing my promotional strategies to life. The final week of my internship, I presented my strategic plan to the Nestle Purina CMO and 3 Marketing Vice Presidents.
What was your daily schedule like at your Internship?
“Because we had broad, overarching projects, we had flexibility and control over our daily schedule. For me, I arrived at work around 7:30-8. Then my day was generally a mix between research and data analytics plus meeting with various members of the company with roles relevant to my project. I would schedule about 3-5 meetings during the day, and worked on developing my own strategy in the evenings at home.”
How did you apply for your internship?
The CMC sent out an email about the opportunity last fall and I applied directly through Nestle Purina’s online application. From there, I did a 1 hour phone interview, and then two weeks later I found out that I had made the final round. Then, they flew me to St. Louis in November for in-person interviews.
Did this internship match your intended career path?
“This question is interesting, because I feel like my internship actually formed my career path. I knew I wanted to do marketing, but I didn’t know in what capacity exactly. Now, though, through doing this internship, I found that not only could I be successful in marketing, but found that I definitely want to do CPG brand management. Beforehand, I wasn’t sure, and now I’m completely sure.”
What salary, benefits, outcomes did you receive?
“The salary for the 12 week program was approximately $20,000 plus individual bonuses. I was also given a furnished apartment (with TV, Internet, everything), a rental car, and travel expenses were covered for my wife and I.
And then 2 weeks after completing my internship, I received a full-time offer which I have excitedly accepted. I start work July 14, 2014.”
What skills did you find most helpful in your Internship this summer?
“Financial Analysis. Particularly everything taught in Bill Reese’s Financial Management class, Quantitative Modeling, and overall Excel skills from Larry LeBlanc and Russ Robins. Besides that, teamwork and communication were vital, which made me grateful for the team-structure (TEAM 13!) at Tulane.”
Did you consider yourself more or less prepared than your peers within the same internship program?
“Because our core program at Tulane does not focus on Marketing, I felt initially overwhelmed. There was a whole sort of vernacular about Marketing that I didn’t have at the beginning of June. On the flip side though, as interns began the analysis component of their projects, the Excel skills I gained from classes like Quantitative Modeling were stronger than those of my peers. In that sense, I was definitely a resource to the other interns.”
Would you recommend Nestle Purina’s MBA Internship Program to other MBA candidates here at Tulane?
“YES, 100%. I’ve sent Youtube videos, HR contact information, and application information to the first year MBAs in hopes that they will apply.”
Would you be willing to talk to other students about working at Nestle Purina?
“Yes, I would be more than happy to speak with anyone about Nestle Purina or CPG in general.”
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