Having not lived outside Louisiana for any extensive time, one of the most anticipated components of the A. B. Freeman MBA program I was excited about was the global diversity aspect, in regards to the cohort, curriculum, and travel. Although I have traveled around the world, even having the opportunity to study abroad in Europe, I have never had a real opportunity to befriend and work with anyone that was from abroad, having never lived in the United States.
I can still remember the first weeks of orientation as we all eagerly scrambled to prepare for the first semester and also get to know our colleagues that we would be with over the next two years – even being challenged by a professor to have everyone’s name memorized by the end of that two week session. Our class is represented by all walks of life, each coming from a very different background. This diversity allowed for such an interesting class dynamic and unbelievable experience.
The variety of styles that each one of these unique cultures brought to the table was such a neat element to watch unfold over the first year. By year two, most had become accustomed to this. We even began joking with some of our Latin American classmates about their polychronic styles regarding timeliness of class sessions and team meetings.
Overall, I can say that the last two years have been some of the most exciting and informative years of my life. Having traveled to over seven countries, growing my personal and business network tremendously, and gaining a great deal of knowledge and insight from both professors and classmates. These are a few of the many things that I can say Freeman and Tulane have help me achieve over the past two years. Now onto the next chapter.
Robert John
MBA Candidate 2016