Bachelor of Science in Management

Bachelor of Science in Management

Notable Graduates: Jordan Kirsh-Clemenceau BSM ’23

Notable Graduates: Jordan Kirsh-Clemenceau BSM ’23

Jordan Kirsch-Clemenceau (BSM ’23) believes that business presents opportunities to centralize awareness, communication and technology while executing ideas focused on collective social good.  

August 3, 2023 ×

Bachelor of Science in Management

Notable Graduates: Matthew Yam BSM ’23

Notable Graduates: Matthew Yam BSM ’23

Altman Scholar Matthew Yam (BSM ’23) isn’t ready to leave Tulane yet; he’ll be working at the Tulane Endowment in Darien, Conn.

July 25, 2023 ×

Bachelor of Science in Management

Notable Graduates: Amelia Viator BSM ’23

Notable Graduates: Amelia Viator BSM ’23

Louisiana native Amelia Viator (BSM ’23) is dedicated to community service: In addition to volunteering for several local organizations, she gave her time to a soup kitchen when she studied abroad in Italy.

July 17, 2023 ×

Bachelor of Science in Management

Notable Graduates: Isabel Braverman BSM ’23

Notable Graduates: Isabel Braverman BSM ’23

Name: Isabel Braverman  Majors: Environmental Studies and Finance  Hometown: Simsbury, CT     Fun fact about yourself: I once walked a marathon in Madrid!    Why did you decide to major in business?  I am extremely passionate about pursuing a career in mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change, […]

June 6, 2023 ×

Bachelor of Science in Management

Notable Graduates: Jonathan Abbo BSM ’23

Notable Graduates: Jonathan Abbo BSM ’23

Name: Jonathan Abbo Majors: Finance, Management, Real Estate, Design   Minor: Architecture  Hometown: Fort Lauderdale, Florida  Fun fact about yourself:  I have never tried Coca-Cola.  Why did you decide to major in business?  Studying business offered a unique opportunity to combine and develop a wide array of valuable life skills including presenting, […]

May 31, 2023 ×

Bachelor of Science in Management, Experience, Undergraduate

My Freeman Experience: Adia Handy (BSM ’23)

My Freeman Experience: Adia Handy (BSM ’23)

My experience at Freeman has been everything I wanted and needed in a business school education. I got the opportunity to take thought-provoking classes from outstanding professors. These courses have enhanced my knowledge of business concepts, and I will take them with me throughout my career and life. A course […]

April 17, 2023 ×

Bachelor of Science in Management

For BSM student, Freeman delivers tangible learning experiences

For BSM student, Freeman delivers tangible learning experiences

When I try to identify Freeman’s “secret sauce” in helping students like me generate these newfound passions, I can easily point to the school’s tangible learning experiences. And when I reflect on a particular class that shaped my Freeman experience, I can easily highlight Burkenroad Reports.

March 16, 2023 ×